God’s ABC
New Christians need what the Bible calls the basic teaching about Jesus - God’s ABC. This teaching makes them grow up and helps them to train others.
Trailer God’s ABC
God's ABC is about knowing Jesus.
In Hebrews 6:1-2 we find a list of subjects that the author calls the elementary teachings about Christ. The Book of Acts confirms that these are the teachings new believers need. In these videos you can learn how to teach others.
Subtitles in: English, German, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese)

God’s ABC: Lessons

Paul and Kristine's faith was tested while they were teaching God's ABC to others. How do we stand through all storms of life?

The start of the life with Jesus is crucial. In this video you get a simple summary of Jesus' own teaching about foundation.

God is waiting for us to throw ourselves into his open arms. What is the best response to his goodness? Repentance.

Embracing what God does for us is the best thing we can do for him. This is the second video on how to turn to God.

Faith is God's way to make the impossible possible. Want to experience love, power and get a new life? Check out this video!

By faith, the first Christians spread the message about Jesus all over, and changed the world. How do we get this kind of faith?

What's the point of baptism? How can getting wet make a difference in our lives? 2 times 3 minutes will give you simple answers.

What's the point of baptism? How can getting wet make a difference in our lives? Here's the second video that will give you simple answers.

Everyone who tried to love others in their own strength, found that to be really hard. That’s why we need God’s genius solution.

Everyone who tried to love others in their own strength, found that to be really hard. That’s why we need God’s genius solution.

Does heaven still touch earth? Yes! The Bible teaches us that God fills new believers with his wonderful Spirit, includes them in his family, and blesses them with his gifts - through the laying on of hands.

We are meant to connect with other believers! By the touch of covenant friends you will get recognized, revitalized and authorized.

Did you know that Jesus made it possible for us to have eternal life and his resurrection power inside of us? Check out this video!

God’s love lifted us from the bottom to the top. Now we can rule in life because of Jesus because his mighty power is working in us and through us.

Is there any hope for us on judgment day? Check out why the message of eternal judgment is the best news ever!

Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we can look forward to Judgement Day. Check out part two on Pay Day!